


Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Lokpal

It have been months now that we have been hearing about the Corruption & the Lokpal bill .
One thing which still worries me as how much transparency is the Bill going to bring and with what effectiveness?
What really bothers me is the number of taxpayers in India when I think over this issue.It is as low as 3-4% that is around 35 millions people only. So? how is Lokpal and tax related?
 The point which I want to make here is that 85% of the people surviving in India is due to the Giant group of unorganized  traditional business and jobs which are majorly responsible for running the show in India.Unaccountable, they have their own rules to carry on their business.
These people are not bothered whatever happens with the Lokpal , because it hardly affects them.
For example consider a very small Retailer or a Mom & Pop show store at some busy streets of Delhi.And a million of other such stores with million of employees who have never heard of recession, income tax exemption or GDP  just because it never effected them.
 Suppose the bill is passed and we catch hold of guys having swiss money.. so the govt might declare tax holiday for the next 10 years or say even 30 years(as we often read).
So the point I want to make is that the lokpal Bill will reap immediate benefits to only that 3% Tax paying community.
The other benefits we hear like 4 lane roads will surely happen. But in what time?
And please I would not like to believe that government will distribute those $ to Indian citizens in charity if they get it from the Swiss accounts.
These 3G scams, Common wealth or the Swiss UBS banks are just events.Which adds a solid reason behind the "evolution" of Lokpal and People like Anna Hazare.
Thus, coming back on the bill I believe that " Its more of a death signature for the "Netas of Parliament" as the 1st thing which anyone will like to do is get Swiss money back and get rid of the global loans.

Corruption in totality can only be removed with more transparency and process improvement of the Administration.
UID project I believe is one such big initiative and will really help the admin become more systematic.
Whatever it is, the Lokpal bill is more for good and have really made significant impact already and will surely it will be brutal for people doing massive scams.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Truth about CTC

First-time job seekers fail to notice certain ruses companies employ to make an offer look "great".
The general strategy is to go for the highest paying “PACKAGE”
Specially talking about the last semester of MBA, It is that time of the year when corporates actively hunt for talent on campuses. So it is time to be on the guard. one have to better scrutinise all offers before accepting the best one, and the bottom line is: higher CTC doesn't always mean higher pay.

Things to remember
Retention and performance bonus: If the retention bonus is huge (say 10-15% of the CTC) and will be paid only after 2-3 years, you need to consider what you could have done with that money. A Rs 2.5 lakh retention bonus coming to you after two years will add more than Rs 10,000 to the monthly CTC. But after two years, the value of that Rs 10,000 will be barely Rs 8,500 (considering 8% inflation). Says E Balaji, CEO at Ma Foi Management Consultants: "It is important to understand that there are deferred payments such as these that cannot be part of your take-home (salary)."
As regards performance bonus, don't forget that it doesn't depend on your performance, but that of the company. "There are years when you may not get the performance bonus. But in some years you may get more than 100%.
“ Also, one must remember that all kinds of bonus are taxable”
Variable take-home: Depending on the industry and your job profile, the variable component of the salary will vary from 10-15% to as high as 50%.One must bargain for keeping it as low as possible.

Insurance and medical facilities: Most employers provide health insurance cover to employees and their dependents. Some also provide life insurance free of cost. The premium amounts paid for such insurance by the company on your behalf can be part of your total salary. Many companies also have in-house facilities offering "free" medical care to employees. A per-employee cost for such facilities may also be included in your CTC pay package. Your CTC ends up looking bigger.
Stock options: Companies may offer Employee Stock Option Plans (Esops) to new hires. "If shares are allotted or transferred on or after April 1 2009, the same will be taxed as perquisite in employees' hands.It means is that the employee will have to pay some tax the moment Esop’s are allotted to him. However, if you are lucky enough, you might end up in earning huge!

Monday, November 29, 2010

What decides your career goal?

Yup this is what the trend has become.
The 1st thing people associate today with a job is the "Pay Package".
Went through a job interview today, one of the leading MNC and the first reaction of many of my colleagues was "how much is the package?"
No concern for the name of the company, not job profile either.
For most youngsters today, the money they earn in the profession is the most important factor that attracts them to that job position. The reason is very obvious - students believe that money can buy them almost anything, be it material comforts or a good recognition in the society.
"The One who creates you also writes your fate"is an outdated proverb now.
Today Gen x is a master of its own destiny. Parents and society are not the only factors that influence one’s career decision.
Financial inflows are much important for most youngsters today, but for some, their passion for the job takes precedence to everything. Job satisfaction is given equal or more preference to monetary satisfaction in many cases. This is also a contributing factor to the enormous specialized courses hitting the market, which helps in associating one's passion to their profession.
So, what drives your career goal?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The positives of recession

Fair Valuation,Economic policy Reforms,Corporate Governance etc are the few jargons we often hear whenever there is some form of economic shock.

why it is only US and allied nations who have taken the maximum beatings?
And why States like Bihar,Bengal and Orissa have shown Significant growth as compared to others in this period?
The answer is the principle of "Conservatism" that people follow here.
Every once in a while the economic cycle indicates that the moment you over estimate your business gains and take unevitable risks,you are asking for trouble.
The U.S president's visit for various business deals accross the globe with developing countries shows the real economic freedom and saftey which Indians and other nations which work on similar monetary principles have!

Education Via Internet

Want to take a guitar class,want to learn advance management concepts from the best in the profession for free? wanted to have those class notes which you never bothered to prepare?
The solution is: Internet!, or Wikipedia have become such database for information and education that now even professors and big educational institutes are avoiding the traditional educational system and preaching directly from these sites.

The Challanges to Private web Players.

Now,So where do the private online education delivery centre suffer?
The members of these private services are often the people who after accessing information for a paid service goes online either blogging or uploading the data online to any of these free databases.
This is where it hurts the most to these private online preachers.
If you check a bittorrent website,you can find all articles and e-books,software etc which were actually a paid service but have been uploaded somewhere.
Good in a way,I assume-Knowledge sharing is always useful,but at what monetory cost?is definetly an issue.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What do you want to be in life?

Its with time,needs and priorities change.
Its not always important to have a 5 year down the line or ten year down the line objective.
With Innovation being a benchmark to success in today's Global economy.
Thinking of a business or a job position based on your previous experience or current skills doesn't ensure you a success.
A new technology or a system process makes our hard learned skills obsolete in no time and we feel devastated at times.

So what can one do about it?
The Answer which I found to it,was to do the basics right.
Big companies and Big names often provide you with skills and platform which brings you a lot of money,but unfortunately they are only short lived.
Businesses are definitely finding new ways to survive-the competitors being the new emerging competitors who knows how to do it better and faster.
So Innovation is what is being looked for..
SO I guess here is the answer.. being Innovative with the basics right is the need of the hour.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


When you decide to have an internet marketing plan, you can start implementing it right away.
I will come to the last step 1st!!!
The last step is to start monitoring your internet marketing campaigns. confused????????
Well let me quote a personal example...
My family is into marble and granite manufacturing and distribution business which also ends up retail sales at the office...
NOW, Although it seems to be a very generic word, Marble or Granite, the significance and the depth knowledge can only be recognized by the prospects not the Suspects!!

Marble can be searched in various search engines from Search for TAJ MAHAL, to a Marble play stone!!!
If I am a potential buyer, I already know which Color,Quality and what price I am looking for.
For example I am Looking to Buy Marble from a place MAKRANA(Rajasthan) with veins @ 175-200 per sq.ft.
SO, as a marketer I need to Identify what the customers will type in google, to get GOOD QUALITY DUMRI MARBLE( Marble from a place MAKRANA,Rajasthan with veins @ 175-200 per sq.ft.)
Which keywords people typed into search engines to find your site? For Instance the key words which I included in this case was :
I dont need to bother about direct traffic because the People who already know about my trade,will come directly to me,else wont bother.
The second issue is which keywords brought you the most money in PPC marketing? Are you satisfied with your SEO rankings or not? Do majority of your visitors leave your site without even spending 30 seconds? And so on…