


Monday, November 15, 2010

What do you want to be in life?

Its with time,needs and priorities change.
Its not always important to have a 5 year down the line or ten year down the line objective.
With Innovation being a benchmark to success in today's Global economy.
Thinking of a business or a job position based on your previous experience or current skills doesn't ensure you a success.
A new technology or a system process makes our hard learned skills obsolete in no time and we feel devastated at times.

So what can one do about it?
The Answer which I found to it,was to do the basics right.
Big companies and Big names often provide you with skills and platform which brings you a lot of money,but unfortunately they are only short lived.
Businesses are definitely finding new ways to survive-the competitors being the new emerging competitors who knows how to do it better and faster.
So Innovation is what is being looked for..
SO I guess here is the answer.. being Innovative with the basics right is the need of the hour.


Smrutiranjandas said...

nice article..
I suppose internet technology for instance is changing the world too fast

vikash4u said...

Brand name does matter at the time of economic crisis..